Sunday, August 28, 2011

Doctor Who: Lets Kill Hitler

Okay, I must admit I didn't really have high hopes for this episode. It was the title that worried me, this could have been a cheesy piece of crap, but in the end it turned out to be a pretty damned good episode.

The mid season cliff hangar was painful, leaving me sitting in suspense all summer long as to where the series could go from there. River Song was revealed to be the baby of Amy & Rory, and thankfully the new episode didn't jump completely off the map, but rather flushed that story out further.

The strange bounty hunting justice robot was a bit out there, but I've seen cheesier bits in this show, and I'm sure there are even cheesier bits to come.

One thing the new episode still has me wondering about is the death of the Doctor. It is still a continuing thread that the Doctor will die last April. I'm sure a way out will be found, and I can't wait for that reveal.

I can't say this is one of my favorite Matt Smith episodes, but it is a hell of way from the bottom of the list, and for that I thank the creators and cast for a great hour of phenomenal television.

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