Wednesday, September 24, 2014

American Mary

I picked this movie at random, on Netflix. So far, and I'm not that far in it, it's starting to get really weird. I'm going to post some random thoughts, so this isn't really a review, so much as what some of the scenes make me feel like writing.

I must warn you that if you are interested in seeing this movie to stop reading now. Why?

The movie starts off with a woman going to medical school, and really in financial troubles. Phone being shut off, losing her job. It's quite a common thing these days. Money is bullshit. Mary goes for a job as a stripper, but ends up doing an unlicensed surgery on a man that's being tortured, and that's when things get strange.

A group of people into body modifications gets her number. A lady that looks like a real life Betty Boop contacts her about doing a mod on her friend. This woman, who looks like a Barbie doll, wants her nipples removed and her vagina closed up (as much as she can), so that she's not looked at as an object of sex. "Mary" is working on cutting off the nipples, and closing up the vagina right now, and it's making me "twitchy". After the surgery, she instructs the patients' friend to not contact her again. She contacts her again.

- A doctor, her teacher, just used the phrase "Cunts and runts". I don't know why, but that sort of amused me.

She's invited to a party with some of her instructors and other doctors, and so far I think it's foreshadowing something creepy and macabre. The guys at the party are really giving me a "I'm going to poison your drink and fuck you up" vibe. And... yep. Her drink was drugged. Wow, how unpredictable. It would seem that the reason for Mary's invite to the party was for her dirt-ball instructor, Dr. Grant, to drug and rape her. I'm going to go out on a limb her, and predict that Mary will be giving this man some involuntary body modifications later on in the movie.

And of course, I was right. She hired some seedy characters to abduct the asshole, and now he's tied up, and she is practicing some really neat body mods on the guy. Unfortunately we don't get to see much, as the scene cuts to her running her own body mod practice. And, in a completely expected twist, Mary is being investigated over the disappearance of the instructor. Good lord, movies are so uniform these days.

Two annoying German women, twins, now want a body mod. They want to trade left arms... and a few other very strange things. And after that, we finally see Dr. Grant again, who is hanging by hooks in a basement, hooks that are piercing through the skin on his back. He's not looking like he's doing so good. But as far as I'm concerned, this rapist piece of crap deserves it. And it looks like she's not done using him as her test subject. After beating a meddling security guard to death with his own nightstick, I'm starting to think that Mary may have had some psychological issues for a while.

- Nana died. I think this is probably going to make Mary a lot worse than she already was.

It would seem like the husband of the now nipple-less girl, does not like his women without nipples and a penetrable vagina. He attacked "Barbie Girl", and was waiting for Mary when she came home. Mary is now crawling to her operating room, covered in blood, and it looks like the crazy bitch is dying. Kind of sad, I loved Mary. She mad me happy, and reminded me of a more simple time in my life. But wait... she's stitching herself up... maybe... nope, Mary is dead.

Good-bye Mary. I love you. We'll meet again my friend, some day soon... Wait, that's Victoria.
As far as your movie... um... predictable, but entertaining enough to keep me awake. I give it 3 stars out of ten (and an extra half of a star for cutting Dr. Grants legs off, cause that shit was funny).

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