Thursday, September 11, 2014

Status Updates (September 10th & 11th)

Another is finally upon us. And with it comes my words of... well, just more words, from me. Though I can't imagine why anyone would want to read this, it is here anyway. And why? Because I need to litter the internet with my inane ramblings, because I'm who I am, and I'm who I care about.

01 - Thanks to Hollywood, every time my car won't start I immediately assume that the apocalypse is upon us. On the plus side, it's at this exact moment I magically know how to fly planes too. So I guess there's that bit of good news.

02 - I buried Paul.

03 - Hitting Youtube for the Genesis '87 Wembley Stadium show. Definitely need to be getting this one on DVD... like soon! 

04 - I love Genesis, and I love drum solos, but when you drum solo is centered around drumming on your drum stools... best to skip the solo altogether. 

05 - I wonder if it's a good thing to have a job that nobody else would want. Is that a good indication of job security, or just wishful thinking?

06 - Without music, I'm not sure that I see much point in life. Oh sure, there's family and friends, and so many other things to fill yourself up with beautiful emotion, but without music... fuck it all.

07 - I never wanted a moment in my life where I could answer "Where were you when this happened?". I, like so many other people on this planet, was given that moment 13 years ago today. It was a day that I will unfortunately never forget. A day when we once again proved what a terrible race of beings that we can truly be. But, I guess from the wreck of that, so many people showed just how good we can all be. No, I will never forget. But yes, I would like to. May all of the people who perished in the senseless tragedy of September 11th, 2001 rest in peace. 

08 - There are some Anti-Suicide groups that are using Robin Williams as some sort of unofficial spokesman or some shit, lately. I find this to be a terrible thing. Yes, Williams was an iconic comedian and a very known person, but to use his tragic death to help forward any cause is just somehow wrong to me.

09 - Good damn gravy, "Zhar The Mad's Flight 2" is a HUGE area.

10 - really needs to add an option to filter out the "out of stock" items!

And once again, that brings us to the end of the night. I'm sleepy, and it's time to get the kids awake and out the door... so that I can go to sleep. Good-bye!

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