Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Status Updates (Sept. 16th & 17th)

Sometimes, I feel like the guy in these pictures is somehow stalking me. I mean, he's never there when I switch screens, but when I come back, the son of a bitch is right back, staring at me, and right into my soul-less core. I would do something about it, but it feels nice to have a friend.

01 - So, I've been working about 3.5 hours, and have officially finished a whopping three reports. Either I work way too slow, I'm far too thorough, or these things are just ridiculous in length, and have way too many damn questions. Hint: It isn't the second one... and though the first one is certainly true, it isn't that one in this case.

02 - If you attend a 3+ hour concert, and hear only six songs, you just might be at a Transatlantic show.

03 - My chair is really uncomfortable on my tushy area after only four hours. Going to be a long 8 more hours.

04 - I don't care what they say, love is always the answer. Awwwww

05 - Fuck you and your stupid fucking George W. Bush socks!

06 - Republican block "equal pay" bill. I fucking hate republicans. These asshole pieces of crap are everything that is wrong with this country. Them, and Anne Murray not being from here.

07 - I really wish I could walk on a pile of baby ducks.

08 - I remember this one time that I found out I was going to be a dad. That was a great day. I like that day.

09 - What are you, some kind of foot licker?

10 - I want you to be my tit licker.

11 - Penal.

I guess that once again, I've run out of things to say. I'm getting pretty damned lazy about this whole thing. Frankly, I'm ashamed of myself. I'm gonna go have a good cry.

I leave you with this picture of our babies.

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