Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Status Updates (Sept. 15th & 16th)

The work day starts really quite early today. Stupid gat-danged elections!

01 - Tables, and spreadsheets, and queries... oh my.

02 - Holy fucking crap I hate flies. I mean, I really fucking hate the little fuckers. Anybody that "wouldn't hurt a fly" can just fuck right the fuck up. The little assholes must die!

03 - Wake me when elections end.

04 - Definitely will consider maybe thinking about potentially possibly leaning somewhat towards deciding to vote.

05- I feel as if I'm not doing enough with my life. I need to get things in gear and start doing more of the things I've always dreamed of doing. I'm certainly not getting any younger.

06 - One of our guinea pigs just had babies. She had three, but one of them didn't make it. The other two are so cute.

07 - Coheed & Cambria are streaming a live performance of their entire "In Keeping Secrets..." album right now, on Live Nation. God bless technology!

08 - For a brother and sister, these guinea pigs made some pretty cute babies. Makes me wish I had a sister to... um... shit. Nothing.

09 - I want to play Diablo 3, but my wrists are killing me.

I'll leave you all with this (not so great) picture of our five new babies.

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